Phase 3 – Rehab for the Foot

Last Wednesday, my doctor cleared me to start weight-bearing on my left foot. It was tough at first – I couldn’t stand on my own, so I got a cane to help me walk. Working from home this week, I used my scooter to get to the kitchen quickly during breaks between conference calls. But

That minor procedure to get to pain-free running

A couple of days ago, I had my surgery. The procedure itself felt short to me, but it actually took about two hours. The buildup to the day was the worst part—I couldn’t sleep or focus. We woke up early because I had to be there by 5:30 AM for preparations. I’m scared of needles,

Tax Day– And 15 days till Surgery

Today, I’m starting to freak out. Tax day is tomorrow, and while I’ve already calculated and extended our return to give me more time to review it, that’s not the reason. In 15 days, I’m having surgery on my left ankle. My decision was to go through this, as I want to be running pain-free

Bandera 50k

Since we moved to Texas, I’ve run Bandera races every year, whether it’s a 50k or 100k. This year, I registered for the 100k but had to drop down to the 50k due to an injury. Yes, I finally admitted I’m injured. I’ve been in denial for eight years, running through pain and enduring the

Rattler 50k

Yesterday, I ran the Austin Rattler 50k and absolutely enjoyed it!  The course is pretty runnable, offers breathtaking views, and throws in some challenging terrain.  There are plenty of large boulders, but I managed to power-hike over them.  I finished in 7:27, which isn’t an overall PR, but it’s a personal best for a 50k