Category: Race Reports

Down By The River – Overlook 100k

I think a lot of the ultra-runners, at least those in my level (or maybe even the fast ones), might be a little crazy.  Yesterday, I attempted to run my first 100k distance trail race, called Overlook 100k.  This race is located in Auburn, California, and follows some of the Western States trails and the

Getting Out of My Comfort Zone: Vineman Ironman 70.3 Race Report

Abridged version: I didn’t think I could finish it, but all the training got me to the start line and to the finish of the Ironman Vineman 70.3. That’s all I wanted for my very first half-Ironman distance triathlon. It is about getting out of my comfort zone, riding my bike with bike shoes, attached

Oops I Did It Again… American River 50 mile run – April 5, 2014

I did it again… Last Saturday April 5th, I ran the 50 mile trail race from Folsom to Auburn, the third time this year, but second time finishing. Here’s a little history: 2012 – DNF (ran till mile 40.94 and missed the cutoff time) 2013 – finished 12:01, felt great that I actually finished before

Getting this Monkey Off My Back – A Journey to Auburn, CA: Minel 2, Hills 1

This is a story of a slow-pace marathon runner (finishes a marathon in 5 hours, on average, lately), who strives to be an ultra-runner. The hills got a point in this story, because last year they won over me, so I had to carry over that one.  They won because I allowed them to win

American River Endurance Run 2013 [Photo Blog]

I know that if I write my race report it would be long! So, to save you some time, here it is — my AR50 Race report in a photo diary (click on the photo for a larger version). Enjoy! At AR50 last year (2012), I was defeated by the hills of Auburn, and did