Training for week ending 1/13/13
This week, I incorporated strength and core training with my running (Pilates, Spin class and TRX, all 60 minutes each class). As a result, when I ran yesterday, my whole upper body was sore. I guess I have to train those other muscles to work harder again.
I missed my training run for today (Sunday 1/13), and instead spent the time to really learn some techniques. I especially needed help on downhill running. So for today, I attended a hill running clinic.
The coach at the clinic I attended is Tim Long, he is one funny guy.   The clinic was held at Tennessee Valley trail right near Sausalito / Mill Valley. It’s a beautiful area, last year I ran a half marathon race around that area. Going into this clinic, I was a bit skeptic. I didn’t know this guy (the coach), but then again I am new to trails so I am still learning about all these people in the trail and ultra-running world. I wasn’t expecting much, and it was only $35 so I thought I’d give it a shot. It was worth every penny. Just for the entertainment, you already got your money’s worth. What’s more important, I learned very valulable techniques in running on hills. Everything he demonstrated what not to do, I used to do them. So now, I am excited to get back on the trails and try the more efficient way of running on hills!