Javelina Jundred – First 100-mile Attempt

I did not get a buckle today.  In summary, I did not finish my first #javelinajundred because I decided to drop the race after 95 miles, I didn’t even make it to the next aid station (1.5 mile where we were at that point).  I sat on the side of the trail, my pacer tried to let me get up and go, but I told her to call EMT as I am done.  We got picked up by the EMT on an All-Terrain Vehicle, and got a fun 4-wheeling ride on the EMT ATVback to the closest aid station. My pacer, Brenna, was awesome as she really pushed me to get to the finish, walk-shuffle downhill and flats, while ensuring that I’m still alive.  .  .  Fatigue and heat took over me, salt did not work soon enough to relieve the cramping and glute pain.   They had wonderful EMT support at #javelinajundred, very nice and helpful. They wanted to inject me with IV at the medic tent but I didn’t want to, I’m scared of needles! I had coconut water and bananas instead, and waited for it to work, since my race was done at that point.

It was my longest workout ever, so this is a Personal Record.  Being awake and continuous workout for 29 hours on my feet, for 95 miles, is an accomplishment to me.  I did not quit earlier on, I feel like I persevered as far as I can go.  I remember one quote I read a month ago, “If it gets to a point where it is not easy, find something internally to overcome a challenge, and it is more rewarding to continue than to quit.”  I feel that I did, and at the point I decided to drop, the timing just did not work out where I will finish within the time cutoff.  One hour to do 5 miles with super tired wobbly legs is just not possible.  It was already getting hot at 11 AM (probably 90 degrees F), so cutting my losses was the best way to go.

I have no regrets, I am happy with my effort.  I learned a lot and will take those learnings towards preparing and training for the next time! I caught the bug, and I think I am not a one-and-done 100 miler now.

Thank you to my pacers, Brenna and Sabrina, to my sister and hubby for extra support, the Vegas trail runners community for their support at the race (they also helped me as crew because I really did not have an official crew), and everyone at home who were rooting for me.  The race won’t be a race without the people behind it, and the RD at Aravaipa (Jamil Khoury), the volunteers, EMT, and everyone else behind the race organization made it an amazing race.  It was a party at every aid station (especially at JackassJunction)!

I’ll get that buckle next time, now I know how it feels like to train and run for one of these!

Pre-race – at the packet pick-up, and looking for coconut water, but found cactus water instead:

With my pacers:


EMT brought us back via ATV to the start/finish area.  I could barely walk, EMT wanted to inject me with I.V., I said no.  Ate a banana and got escorted to a chair to lift up my legs.  I was still smiling though, because the suffering is over.  (Picture with Brenna (on my right) and EMT (on my left).