Oops I Did It Again… American River 50 mile run – April 5, 2014

I did it again… Last Saturday April 5th, I ran the 50 mile trail race from Folsom to Auburn, the third time this year, but second time finishing. Here’s a little history: 2012 – DNF (ran till mile 40.94 and missed the cutoff time) 2013 – finished 12:01, felt great that I actually finished before

Getting this Monkey Off My Back – A Journey to Auburn, CA: Minel 2, Hills 1

This is a story of a slow-pace marathon runner (finishes a marathon in 5 hours, on average, lately), who strives to be an ultra-runner. The hills got a point in this story, because last year they won over me, so I had to carry over that one.  They won because I allowed them to win

American River Endurance Run 2013 [Photo Blog]

I know that if I write my race report it would be long! So, to save you some time, here it is — my AR50 Race report in a photo diary (click on the photo for a larger version). Enjoy! At AR50 last year (2012), I was defeated by the hills of Auburn, and did

Training & Taper Time! 3/25 to 4/1/13

Monday (3/25) – Pilates mat class – 60 minutes Tuesday (3/26) – lap swim at the gym Wednesday (3/27) – ran at noontime near the office – 3.6 miles Thursday (3/28) – ran at noontime near the office – 3.6 miles Since this is Holy Week, and Thursday is the start of the Triduum, I

Training for week-ending 3/24/13

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I was at a conference in Las Vegas.  They had a fitness center at the hotel, and I could have woken up earlier each morning to run outside… but I did not do such things.  Instead, I participated in the after-hours cocktail events sponsored by the Conference organizers and/or their