Category: Race Reports

Double Dipper: East Bay Race Weekend – 2/23 and 2/24/13

Yes, that title is correct.  It has come to this point where I am crazy enough to race a 50k trail run on Saturday, then a half marathon on Sunday.  To normal people this sounds crazy.  To ultra runners, this is normal (then again, they must all be crazy).  Running a race as part of

Carlsbad Marathon – My 10 year Runniversary – January 27, 2013

Ten years ago, I ran my very first marathon. It was called the San Diego Marathon back in 2003, then renamed to Carlsbad Marathon starting in 2004. It is the same course; it might have been slightly changed, but I seem to recall the course being the same or similar. I still love this place

Rock ‘n Roll San Jose Half Marathon

  This is my first half marathon PR under two hours!  I finally made it to 1:59, after four years or so of trying!  I was running an average 8:40 pace till mile 9, following two guys who appear to be triathletes (they were wearing some race shirt from a triathlon, not sure which one).

First Ultra – Santa Cruz Trail Run 50k – 8/4/12

This summer, I am determined to officially do an ultra run. I went to Santa Cruz and ran one of the Inside Trail running races. I like this trail running group, they are very friendly people. I started off the run with Dwight Brown, but then he was too fast for me so I only ran

Journey to Almost Auburn ( California )

Last Saturday (April 7th), I attempted to run my first ultramarathon, the American River 50 mile run.  I was excited to do it; from Thursday at work, then leading up to the event on Saturday, I felt ready (but not overly confident), that my training was adequate to get me to the start line.    However,