Thought for Today – 1/21/13

I stayed home from work today because I might still be contagious with whatever it is that I have, and I need one more day to rest.  I didn’t really just stay home, I worked from home.  At least I was in my pajamas, and was comfortable in my fleece blanket. I felt better this

Training for Week-ending 1/19/13

This morning, I woke up with a heavy feeling all over me.  My whole body hurts; I had been coughing and had the colds.  I was freezing last night even though we had the space heater turned on all night in the room.  I don’t think it is a fever or the flu (although I

Training for week ending 1/13/13

This week, I incorporated strength and core training with my running (Pilates, Spin class and TRX, all 60 minutes each class).  As a result, when I ran yesterday, my whole upper body was sore.  I guess I have to train those other muscles to work harder again. I missed my training run for today (Sunday

The Serious Training Begins! (Training for AR50)

Today, it is 3 months till that big race that I have to do again, because I failed to complete it last year. Yes, it is the American River 50 mile run.  To other ultra runners, this is probably just another race for them.  To me, this IS the race of the year.   (Okay, to

Rock ‘n Roll San Jose Half Marathon

  This is my first half marathon PR under two hours!  I finally made it to 1:59, after four years or so of trying!  I was running an average 8:40 pace till mile 9, following two guys who appear to be triathletes (they were wearing some race shirt from a triathlon, not sure which one).