Category: Random Thoughts

Do or die! This is it! – 9/1/11

Eight years later, after participating in 30 marathons, over 40 half marathons, roughly more than 5 trail races, over 10 sprint/oly triathlons, and a bunch of short runs (5k/10k)…. (let me catch my breath)… I am embarking on another challenge:  the ultra runs! Today, I registered for my first ultra run, the American River 50

Getting ready for RNR Marathon San Diego – on June 6th

I flew down to L.A. last night from SFO, and I am here right now at my sister’s place.  We are getting ready to drive down to San Diego, then we run the RNR SD Marathon on Sunday.  I think I’ve trained with the minimum training required, but I’m hoping for a miracle on Sunday. 

Run during lunch – 4/9/10

Ran during lunch at work today, around Los Altos hills, for ~40 minutes.  It was sunny but probably in the high 60’s.  I did some sprints for 5 minutes – running fast/sprint every 10 seconds then slow down to a jog/ normal pace.  In the beginning my feet felt heavy, had some slight pain /

Road cycling San Mateo to Foster City – 4/8/10

I FINALLY went out and rode my bike on the road, after 7 months of not riding outdoors!  I had to ride outdoors because I have a sprint triathlon coming up on April 17 – and had no biking in my training at all so far till now.  As usual, since I am not confident

5 mile run – 4/5/10

The route was fairly flat, only a couple of hills going up Alameda de las Pulgas up to San Carlos.  It felt really good, I didnt stop for walk breaks except at the stop lights and when people wont let me go at stop signs… And I maintained a good pace overall.  I had no