Category: Race Reports

Miwok 100k – take 2 (race day: May 7, 2016)

Last year, I attempted to race and finish the Miwok trail race, but failed to continue when I missed the cutoff time at Bolinas Ridge Aid Station, which was at mile 56 of this 62-mile foot race. Since that cutoff time was announced only two weeks prior to race day, all of us who missed

Marin Ultra Challenge 50km

Anywhere the wind blows… The Marin Ultra Challenge 50K race occurred on Saturday, March 12, 2016.  The day started out calm without rain.  As the day went on, the rain came off and on, starting with drizzles then sometimes a good downpour.  The terrain was full of mud puddles from the storm that week, and

It’s hot! Hot! HOT! – Another 70.3 Triathlon at Barb’s Race

I came to Barb’s Race with a goal to beat my time last year at Vineman Ironman 70.3, which was 8 hours and 4 minutes (so I set the bar low last year, well it was my first).  Barb’s Race is the largest women’s-only triathlon with a half-Ironman distance (1.2 mi swim, 56 mi bike, 13.1

Over the Hills and Everywhere – Miwok 100k

More like, Miwok 100K  90k. To run an ultramarathon you have to be arrogant enough to believe that you can do it, and stupid enough to try – this is the message my good friend, Claudia Montalban, sent me, which I think has truth in it.  I must be really stupid, because I attempted to

Down By The River – Overlook 100k

I think a lot of the ultra-runners, at least those in my level (or maybe even the fast ones), might be a little crazy.  Yesterday, I attempted to run my first 100k distance trail race, called Overlook 100k.  This race is located in Auburn, California, and follows some of the Western States trails and the