Category: Random Thoughts

Remembering a friend and celebrating his life today – 3/1/13 Today, March 1, 2013, is the anniversary of celebrating Herman’s life, my dear friend who is like a big brother to me.  My sisters and I, together with some friends, continue to run/walk/participate in honor and remembrance of Herman, and to spread awareness of pancreatic cancer.  This year, Raciel (my sister) and I are

10 Years of Running

From my little sister: Happy Runniversary, sis! See video. Make sure you watch in HD and sorry in advance for cheesy background music! Hugs & Kisses, Raciel p.s., reload the page if the video above doesn’t load! I’m not used to embedding YouTube videos.

Thought for Today – 1/21/13

I stayed home from work today because I might still be contagious with whatever it is that I have, and I need one more day to rest.  I didn’t really just stay home, I worked from home.  At least I was in my pajamas, and was comfortable in my fleece blanket. I felt better this

The week after…

Yesterday, 4/14/12, I ran in a local 5k race, called the Sequoia Stampede, at my local high school.  It was fun!  The start was really like a stampede.  We lined up by the end goal line of the high school’s football field (the start line).  It was a pretty small race, maybe 600 runners.  There

Journey to Almost Auburn ( California )

Last Saturday (April 7th), I attempted to run my first ultramarathon, the American River 50 mile run.  I was excited to do it; from Thursday at work, then leading up to the event on Saturday, I felt ready (but not overly confident), that my training was adequate to get me to the start line.    However,