Podium Swim Workout – 2000 yds 3/24/10

I finally am getting used to this again.  We warmed for for 200 yds, then did 50 free/ 50 long axis drill (i.e., swimming 3 strokes free then flipping and 3 strokes back) for 300.  Then, we did a cool drill to practice drafting – 400 (there were 4 of us in our lane) where

L.A. Marathon race report – 3/21/10

In life, there is always a first time for some event.  No, this is not my first marathon, but this is a first for something that happened during this L.A. Marathon (“LAM”).  It is still an experience, nonetheless, that I would cherish. I flew down from the Bay area on Saturday before the race, but

My blog!

After nearly 7 years of racing, I now have a blog where I can memorialize my experiences. Please stay tuned as I populate this with race reports, training logs (and fails) and other random stuff that might come from me. :) — M p.s., Thanks to my li’l sis for introducing me to blogging and

Podium Swim Workout – 1800 yd / 01:00 – 3/10/10

I did better than the first swim workout …. still did less than the required workout… still cannot push myself up to get out of the pool, so I crawled out of the pool – like an old lady.  Oh well, I am getting old afterall…

Podium Swim Workout – 1500 yd / 01:00 – 3/3/10

This was my first swim after 6 months – since my last tri race in Sept. I was spent afterwards… My arms felt really jelly-ish cant even push myself out of the pool when class was over… I did less than the required workout.