Training for week-ending 2/17/13

Once again, I have ended this week on Sunday 2/17, instead of ending the week on Saturday 2/16 (and starting on Sunday 2/10).  This is my training, so I make the rules.  I’m getting lazy writing up paragraphs so here is training this past week:

Monday – Pilates mat class 60 minutes.

Tuesday – Track – 6 x 800; 4x at T-pace; 2x at I-Pace.

Wednesday – Lap swim at gym – 8 x 100 – I did not have energy to do an intense workout at Podium swim, so I did my own quick workout.

Thursday – Rest.  I need it.

Friday – Spin class 60 minutes.

Saturday – Yard work and washed car – 3 hours total.  I skipped the run since I need to also spend time with the dogs and Andy.  This was still quite a workout; the yard work consisted of pushing away the dead leaves on the ground and cleaning up after my dogs mess throughout the yard.  Following the yard work, I cleaned my car, both inside and out.  My upper body was a little bit sore that afternoon.

Sunday – 18 mile run at Golden Gate Park Marin Headlands.  I ran with a group, organized by Sopheak and Loren.  The beginning of the run was already uphill, although not technical trails, it was a bit high elevation immediately, and I was not yet quite warmed up.  Throughout the run, we went up some technical trails around Marin Headlands, with the views of the Golden Gate Bridge, Sausalito, and a little bit of Stinson Beach.  As far as food during this run, I had Prolong in the beginning, and 60 oz of water.  I forgot to add electrolytes to my water.  I only brought 1 bag of my honey stinger; I was running low on my nutrition.  Dwight had some turkey jerky, so I ate some of it, mid-way through our run.  Towards the end of our run, I was feeling very hungry, more like starving, and trying not to be cranky.  Elisa had some granola bar with cranberries and almonds, called Kind, which she kindly shared with us.  That granola bar helped satisfy some of my hunger.  On our way back, Dwight, Elisa and I missed one turn, but they didn’t want to turn back, so we continued.  When we arrived at the parking lot (the finish line), my Nike+ said we only did 17.5 miles.  So I continued running, went up the hill again where we started, until I recorded 18 miles.  After finishing the run, we had some yummy BBQ and lots of food ready and waiting for us.  We had some amazing friends, who set-up and organized this BBQ after the run, I am thankful for these friends!