LA Marathon 2020

About less than a month after my first 100-mile race, I participated in another race at L.A. Marathon!  It was different this year, I opted for a slow run, doing a food and drink tour with my sister and her friends.

We were afraid that the race might get canceled given the start of Coronavirus coming from China.  The race went on, with some precautions where they said that we should try to keep our distance from other runners.  That didn’t happen at the start line, it is the normal crowded start line.  We were not even in a corral, we started at the general population.

The food and drink did not disappoint.  Well, the churros guy was not around, but the chilly cheese dog was there, the pizza and beer, the slider burgers.  However, I missed my sister’s friends at Hollywood/Highland with the Bloody Mary and Bagels, and Chris, Habbiba and others at the old Niketown in Beverly Hills, with Rose and donuts.

I finished probably the longest L.A. Marathon I have ever done, but I enjoyed it and happy that I am able to run even after running 100 miles about 3 weeks ago.  Onwards and upwards to the next adventure!