Training run and mishap!

Today, I ran with Claudia, up PG&E and Black Mtn. This was my opportunity to practice downhill running, so I tried my best to run quickly but carefully going downhill. On the way down, after Black Mtn but before the bottom, 8 miles into a 13 mile run, I fell to the ground. I tripped on some

First Ultra – Santa Cruz Trail Run 50k – 8/4/12

This summer, I am determined to officially do an ultra run. I went to Santa Cruz and ran one of the Inside Trail running races. I like this trail running group, they are very friendly people. I started off the run with Dwight Brown, but then he was too fast for me so I only ran

The week after…

Yesterday, 4/14/12, I ran in a local 5k race, called the Sequoia Stampede, at my local high school.  It was fun!  The start was really like a stampede.  We lined up by the end goal line of the high school’s football field (the start line).  It was a pretty small race, maybe 600 runners.  There

Journey to Almost Auburn ( California )

Last Saturday (April 7th), I attempted to run my first ultramarathon, the American River 50 mile run.  I was excited to do it; from Thursday at work, then leading up to the event on Saturday, I felt ready (but not overly confident), that my training was adequate to get me to the start line.    However,

AR 50 Training Update – 3/22/12

I have roughly two and a half weeks till race day!  I’m getting excited yet scared.   This anticipation is killing me!  As I continue with my training, I feel that I am getting stronger – at least my legs.  (Warning: Narcissist moment)  I have not really felt or checked my legs, but when I just